Promote the Family Reunion

Promoting a Reunion

For successful engagement with family members, family reunion organizers must “sell” the reunion. To increase participation, activities to promote the reunion should be included in reunion planning. To “sell” the reunion, you must engage people on a recurring frequency. Family reunion organizers should approach promotion with the understanding that it typically takes 5-6 direct engagements with a person to “sell” something. Accordingly, family reunion organizers should plan to engage family members on multiple occasions and with multiple communication methods.

The following best practices will help you promote the reunion to increase attendance.

EmailEmail is an easy tool to use to connect with family members. Use it for first-time announcements such as Save the Date notices and the Family Reunion invitation, and for reminders to RSVP and pay registration fees 
Family Reunion WebsiteList reunion dates, location, agenda, instructions or links to register or RSVP to the reunion, instructions, and links to pay registration fees, and the overall reunion schedule of activities
Social MediaList reunion dates with details or a link to the family reunion website on social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram
Word of MouthUse the Family Reunion Promotion Committee or solicit the assistance of family reunion members to personally call family members to encourage them to attend the reunion